
Angela Bazigos

Angela Bazigos

Angela Bazigos is the CEO of Touchstone Technologies Inc. She has 40 years of experience in the Life Sciences & Healthcare Industries. Experience combines Quality Assurance, Regulatory Compliance, Business Administration, Information Technology, Project Management, Clinical Lab Science, Microbiology, Food Safety, Turnarounds and Business Development. Past employers / clients include Roche, Novartis, Genentech & PriceWaterhouseCoopers & Public Health Services companies. Positions include Chief Compliance Officer at Morf Media, Director of QA, MIS Director. Co-authored & prototyped 21 CFR 11 guidance with FDA.  Co-authored Computerized Systems in Clinical Research w/ FDA. Patent on speeding up software compliance. Recently quoted in Wall Street Journal for using training to bring regulatory compliance to the Boardroom. National Trainer for Society of Quality Assurance. Comments / collaborates with FDA on new guidance documents. Former President of Pacific Regional Chapter of Society of Quality Assurance. Stanford’s Who’s Who for LifeSciences

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