
Blog: How to Address Gender Inequality at Workplace

Added By: 247Compliance,   Dated: Dec. 12, 2019,  Industry: HR Compliance


Workplace gender discrimination has become an epidemic that cannot go unnoticed. Workplace paradigms can be seen shifting with an evolving effervescence organization culture, and yet, somehow, critical issues like gender discrimination, harassment, discrimination on the grounds of color, etc., still manage to show up at the workplace. When not looked upon effectively, cases like these can take down your organization's value, productivity, and efficiency. This article discusses steps that you can inculcate while addressing gender inequality issues in the workplace.

#1. Addressing the pay gap between the genders

While it is important to navigate the work differences between men and women, it is also important to recognize the pay gap that exists between the genders, which has been a subsequent source to promote gender inequality in the workplace. It is perceived that women often get paid less compared to men because they have children or they pursue different career choices, or for a very different reason- "they don't ask". Keeping transparency and maintaining an equal pay gap between the employees can lower the inequality rate at a substantial level.

#2. Addressing gender inequality in recognizing the work performances and promotions

There have been cases wherein exuberant work performances by women are not completely recognized or are often ignored. This can be because of the traditional norms confiding in women's household work biases. Addressing this inequality in work performances and other prejudicial biases over women's work is important to eradicate gender inequality. A convenient way to foster gender equality at the workplace is to treat the work done by both genders equally, and at the same time, make their work equally recognizable.

#3. Addressing bias methods of recruitment and training

Bias recruitment and training program has been a part of various organizations. Bias recruitment focuses on hiring a particular gender for a job that can be done by both women and men and are ambiguous. Setting up job criteria for a screening process that doesn't stand valid according to a job description can be a form of bias recruitment. 

In a study conducted at Stanford University to scrutinize the recruitment process for firefighters, a candidate's height was taken into consideration to measure up the eligibility criteria. The results were quite obvious. Women tend to be shorter than men, and hence, they were easily screened out, even though, height doesn't play much of an important role for firefighters, when it comes to durability and practical use of mind on an incident site. 

While this is one such case of bias recruitment, many such cases can be seen effective even in well-established firms. Formalizing a set of relevant hiring criteria that judges the candidature based on work performances and achievements rather than gender capabilities and incapabilities can lessen the consequences of gender imbalances at the workplace.

Unconscious bias training can make the employers realize their unconsciously bias side of hiring a particular gender due to unconscious stereotypical norms of judgment. The training program will help the hiring authority expose to their gender biases and provides best practices to resolve the biased pattern of thinking and ultimately eradicate bias recruiting practices. 

#4. Addressing organizational culture to bridge the gender gap

Recent cases of harassment, bullying, and omitting slurs to colleagues have been the headlines around the globe in the past few years. The most targeted victims of these cases are generally women working at a post lower than their male colleagues, and not to forget, the women of color. Creating a positive organizational culture can lower the harassment cases and fosters a productive environment which will make the women employees feel safe at the workplace. Training the employees regularly can also affect their ideas on treating employees positively. Having a positive organizational culture also enhances work stability between the genders and fosters an ethical mode of communication that can bridge the gap between the genders.

Fostering a workplace with an equal opportunity for both men and women can help generate better stability with enhanced productivity for the organization. It also establishes a healthy work environment with a jovial work culture that makes the employees work more progressively for the organization and their future.